Breath of the Dragon
Pyrography (wood burning), crochet, hemp, and more crafty creations from Sunfire
Since 2006, Sunfire has been creating and selling their pyrography (wood burnings) and other hand-crafted goods. Sometimes in person at craft shows, originally on Etsy, and long-time supporter of Zibbet.
With the recent change in ownership of the latter, Sunfire (a web developer by day) decided it was time to bring these two parts of their life together. Since selling in person isn't particularly feasible at this time, it makes sense to focus on making the products that have already been crafted available for purchase online.
Over the next few months, the plan is to build up an online shop right here at, separate from the standard handcrafted marketplace platforms. It will be a learning experience, but a welcome and rewarding challenge.
Until the new shop is ready, comments can be directed to Sunfire via email [], Twitter [@chillsunfire] or Facebook [chill.sunfire]